Sabrina Stormanns
Head of Factoring
As Head of Factoring, I am responsible for liquidity planning, integrating new financing lines and monitoring accounting processes for the firm. Additionally, my role involves contributing to and working towards efficiency improvements.
Sabrina Stormanns

Before joining Tradewind, I worked in various functions like sales, sourcing, distribution, administration and financial planning across different industries where I gained experience about global supply chains and requirements when it comes to financial needs.

I speak English and German.

Our Global Office Trade Finance - Mönchengladbach, Germany



Flughafenstraße 83,
41066 Mönchengladbach

Diversity and dedication define our team.

As a global company, Tradewind is built on a diverse team with people of all backgrounds. Our employees bring dedicated focus and their experience in international trade and finance to the workplace each day.